How E-commerce Growth is Driving Demand for WMS Software

6 min read
September 25, 2024

The rapid growth of e-commerce has fundamentally changed how the retail industry operates today. The rise of online shopping has brought new opportunities, but it has also created significant challenges for retailers, logistics providers, and third-party logistics companies (3PLs). At the heart of this transformation is the increasing complexity of managing inventory, fulfillment, and customer expectations. This complexity has driven a surge in demand for comprehensive warehouse inventory management software, particularly for e-commerce businesses that need robust systems to handle high order volumes, ensure accuracy, and streamline returns.

Join us as we explore how online shopping growth is accelerating the demand for warehouse management systems (WMS) for e-commerce, why specialized e-commerce WMS software is critical, and how cloud-based warehouse management systems can help businesses thrive during peak seasons. We’ll also discuss how 3PLs are leveraging innovative technologies that integrate with supply chain solutions and enterprise resource planning (ERP) platforms  to help their retail clients meet growing consumer demand.

The E-commerce Boom and Its Impact on Warehousing

Global e-commerce sales reached $5.7 trillion in 2023 and are projected to climb to $7.4 trillion by 2026, accounting for 26% of total retail sales. This explosive growth is a double-edged sword: while it offers unparalleled opportunities for businesses, it also places enormous pressure on the logistics and warehousing operations of both brands and logistics providers, like 3PLs.


In the world of e-commerce, speed, accuracy, and efficiency are paramount. Since the Amazon Effect has come into play shoppers expect fast shipping, real-time order updates, and seamless return experiences. Meeting these expectations is impossible without the right warehouse inventory management software in place. Without it, businesses risk losing customers to competitors who can offer faster, more reliable fulfillment.

The Role of Warehouse Inventory Management Software in E-commerce

Warehouse inventory management software plays a critical role in optimizing e-commerce operations. These systems automate inventory tracking, order processing, and returns management, reducing the need for manual intervention and minimizing the risk of errors. As a result, retailers can handle higher order volumes, improve order accuracy, and ensure that customers receive their purchases quickly and accurately.

During peak shopping seasons like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the winter holidays, e-commerce businesses experience a surge in order volumes. Without proper e-commerce WMS software, these retailers may struggle to keep up with demand, leading to delayed shipments and dissatisfied customers. A proper WMS for e-commerce allows businesses to scale their operations quickly and efficiently, handling spikes in traffic while maintaining high levels of accuracy. 

Not only is technology required to complete online purchases for e-commerce but it’s required much more extensively when factoring in the operational functionality of omnichannel strategies. Ranging from completing purchases to managing every selling channel (buy online pick up in-store, social media marketplaces, brick and mortar, online, etc.) having a comprehensive WMS technology is critical to the success of omnichannel operations.

The Spooky Consequences of Not Having the Right WMS

The e-commerce landscape can be a scary place for businesses that are not prepared. Without a modern e-commerce warehouse management system, companies face numerous challenges, including:

  • Order Inaccuracy: Fulfilling orders manually increases the risk of errors, leading to incorrect shipments and returns. This can erode customer trust and damage a retailer’s reputation.
  • Inventory Management Issues: Without real-time inventory visibility, businesses may overpromise and under-deliver. Customers who expect items to be in stock may be frustrated when orders are delayed or canceled.
  • Return Management Nightmares: Returns are a significant part of e-commerce, with return rates averaging 30% in some sectors. Businesses without proper return processes in their e-commerce warehouse software struggle to handle this influx efficiently, leading to dissatisfied customers.


These challenges can haunt e-commerce businesses, especially during high-traffic periods. A reliable cloud-based WMS solves these problems by providing real-time inventory updates, automating order fulfillment, and streamlining returns management.

Cloud-Based Warehouse Management Systems: Scalability and Flexibility

The growing complexity of e-commerce operations has led many businesses to adopt cloud-based warehouse management systems. Unlike traditional, on-premise systems, cloud-based WMS offers several advantages:

  • Scalability: Cloud-based solutions can scale effortlessly to handle fluctuations in demand, making them ideal for e-commerce retailers that experience seasonal spikes in orders.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Cloud solutions reduce the need for expensive infrastructure investments, as businesses pay only for the services they use.
  • Real-Time Visibility: With a cloud-based warehouse management system, retailers can monitor inventory levels, order statuses, and shipping updates in real time, ensuring that they can respond quickly to any issues that arise.

By investing in cloud-based WMS, e-commerce businesses can not only manage their day-to-day operations more efficiently but also position themselves to handle the surges in demand that come with the holiday shopping season.

3PLs and Their Role in E-commerce Growth

Third-party logistics providers (3PLs) play a pivotal role in supporting e-commerce growth, particularly for businesses that cannot manage fulfillment in-house. By offering specialized warehousing and fulfillment services, 3PLs help retailers scale their operations effectively. A key factor in this efficiency is the use of advanced ecommerce warehouse management software (WMS), which enables 3PLs to manage inventory for multiple clients simultaneously. This software allows for the accurate handling of diverse SKUs, orders, and fulfillment processes across various clients.

Cloud-based WMS systems provide real-time updates to both 3PLs and their clients, enhancing visibility and fostering trust within the supply chain. This transparency ensures that e-commerce retailers can track orders, manage stock levels, and avoid potential disruptions. As the demand for outsourced logistics continues to grow, 3PLs rely on these systems to maintain operational excellence, optimize workflows, and adapt to ever-evolving market trends.

By leveraging this technology, 3PLs can offer their clients:

  • Improved Order Accuracy: Automated systems reduce human error, ensuring that orders are picked, packed, and shipped accurately.
  • End-to-End Visibility: With the proper warehouse management system retailers and 3PLs should have full-scope visibility and communications into the inventory levels and demand predictions. Allowing brands to take a seat back and let the technology do the work. 
  • Faster Fulfillment: With warehouse inventory management software, 3PLs can process orders quickly, helping their clients meet tight shipping deadlines.
  • Efficient Returns Management: E-commerce businesses often struggle with returns, which can be complex and time-consuming to manage. The correct software helps 3PLs streamline this process, improving customer satisfaction.


As e-commerce continues to grow, 3PLs will become even more critical in helping retailers manage their logistics operations. 3PLs can provide scalable, flexible solutions that support e-commerce growth and help retailers meet consumer demand.

How 3PLs Support E-commerce Growth

As e-commerce continues to expand, 3PLs are uniquely positioned to help businesses scale by leveraging e-commerce warehouse management systems. These systems enable 3PLs to efficiently handle multichannel and omnichannel fulfillment, which is essential for retailers selling across different platforms (e.g., online stores, marketplaces). By taking care of complex logistics, 3PLs allow e-commerce businesses to focus on product development, marketing, and customer service.

With an increasing number of retailers outsourcing their logistics, reports show that 69.1% of the e-commerce logistics market revenue was made up by 3PLs. Equipped with cloud-based WMS, 3PLs can flexibly scale their operations during high-demand periods like the holidays, ensuring that their clients can meet consumer expectations for fast, reliable shipping and easy returns.

Preparing for Peak Shopping Seasons with the Right WMS

The holiday season brings an influx of online shoppers, and retailers need to be prepared. Industry estimates suggest that e-commerce sales during the holiday season are set to soar, with 75% of Christmas shoppers opting to make their purchases online in 2023. This surge in demand can strain a retailer’s supply chain, leading to delays, stockouts, and missed delivery deadlines, making an optimized WMS for 3PLs absolutely crucial.

The Future of E-Commerce Depends on WMS Software

As e-commerce continues to grow, the demand for specialized warehouse inventory management software will only increase. From handling high order volumes to ensuring accurate, timely fulfillment, e-commerce WMS software is a critical tool for businesses looking to thrive in the digital retail landscape.

For e-commerce retailers and 3PLs alike, adopting a cloud-based warehouse management system is no longer optional—it’s essential for success. The right WMS software allows businesses to scale, improve operational efficiency, and meet the high expectations of today’s online shoppers. As we look toward the future, one thing is clear: the companies that invest in advanced e-commerce warehouse software will be best positioned to capitalize on the continued growth of e-commerce. Keep your 3PL one step ahead with Osa’s Warehouse Management Hub

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